I love Flickr. I came across these the other day on this Flickr set here. I love it when people upload their collections to share with other people. All the labels in this set are 'free to use' in any art work.
Crazy Belgians. I love the idea that all these European Surrealists just had their mates over for larks with the camera and it just snowballed into it's own art movement. Having mates over for larks with a camera these days just leads to embarrassment on facebook.
While sorting though all my stuff in my old bedroom at home I came across these. They're the first photos I ever took, on holiday in the south of France. They're dated 1994, so I would have been 6 years old. My dad used to buy me old cameras at car boot sales and I would snap away quite happily (mostly at cats and plants it would seem) and he would pay to get them all printed. Despite the light leaks, I think these aren't too bad for a 6 year old! I have uploaded the full set to flickr, which you can see here.
I am loving the work of Greg Lamarche at the moment. While I am unemployed I'm trying to get my act together and make some collages and other things I never found time to do while I was at uni.
I was so sad to leave Brighton a few weeks ago. It wasn't until recently that I was walking round town and realised that I will miss is so much! It's been such a great place to be a student. On my last few days I went out with friends from work, Toby and I had a mad night playing in the playground in Queen's Park and we had our last meal as Brighton residents at our local, the Setting Sun.
After the manic last few months I was so relieved to get away for a few weeks! Tobes & I went to the Spain and had nearly 3 weeks of doing nothing much more than reading, walking in the mountains, drinking wine and sleeping in hammocks. Bliss! Although I have to admit, we were escaping from the pressure to get a job or internship straight out of uni. Toby did very well to get a 3 month internship at Saturday when we got back, I'm still procrastinating and looking for something. After a week of being back home, I would give anything to go on holiday again!
After coming back from my travels to a dreary England I jumped at the chance to go for a mooch round Brighton for a day with my good friend Claire (we were meant to be working). I hadn't realised how much I had missed Brighton until I was there again! We went to Castor & Pollux gallery on the sea front to see their Charley Harper exhibition, which is on until the 5th of September. Next up they have Julia Trigg form the 18th of September. I would love to get my hands on one of her prints, if only I weren't unemployed!
I have just graduated from the University of Brighton with a BA (Hons) in graphic design. This blog is just for things I like, University work, personal projects and things I've done. A bit of everything really.